Faces of St AlbansThis project has been floating in my head for over a year now and I am so pleased to finally start bringing it to life. “Faces of St Albans” is a photography project aiming to capture portraits of people who represent our city, from a charismatic market trader to an inspirational teacher. Through this project, I would love to give recognition to these people and capture a portrait for posterity.

What has pushed me to finally take action was the sad news of John Delaney, the accordion man, passing away before I got the chance to photograph him. Since then, I have been keeping a close eye on social media and reading up on fascinating memories from people who have grown up in St Albans, reminiscing on shops and places that are long gone or memorable characters who made their mark on our town.

I have also followed the story of Tony who owns the Italian deli “Buongiorno Italia” on Lattimore Road. Our first home in St Albans was a little cottage on Alexandra Road near the station and I enjoyed visiting Tony’s deli for our weekly supplies of pesto and other Italian specialities. He is such a character and after seeing him featured in the papers and starting a campaign to save his shop, I thought Tony just had to be my first “Face of St Albans”. Tony recently received the good news that the council refused his landlord’s application for redevelopment so hopefully Buongiorno Italia will be around for many more years to come.

Thank you Tony for agreeing to have your portrait taken, hopefully the first of many other interesting subjects… Once I have gathered a selection of portraits, I would love to organise an exhibition in town to celebrate all those who took part, but first things first, I need more faces!

And this is where I need your help! When you think about St Albans, who is the first person who comes to mind? It could be a great GP, a teacher, a business owner, a street performer, a charity worker, regardless of their position or social background, someone you feel is an important part of our town.

Would you like to suggest somebody?

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Stephanie Belton Photography, 54 Hazelmere Rd, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL4 9RN